Adopted Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan

At the referendum on the Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan, held on the 13th June 2024, 669 residents voted in favour of Dacorum Borough Council using the Neighbourhood Plan for Bovingdon Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.


We are pleased to announce that the Full Council meeting of Dacorum Borough Council on 17th July 2024, agreed the recommendation to adopt the Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan as part of the Local Plan. Full details can be found on Dacorum Borough Council's website.


The Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan Adoption Version July 2024 is now a statutory planning document, which will be used to make decisions on planning applications in Bovingdon Parish. The Parish Council will use it to make comments on planning applications and residents should also quote it in their correspondence with planning officers.


Thank you to everyone who has contributed towards the Neighbourhood Plan and voted for its adoption. 

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

The Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan has now reached its final stage of a public referendum. The referendum to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan will take place to decide on the question below:


"Do you want Dacorum Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Bovingdon Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"


The referendum will be held on Thursday, 13th June 2024 from 7am until 10pm at the polling station, which will be in the Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon HP3 0HJ

Following extensive consultations in January 2019, July 2021, January 2023 and September 2023 the Neighbourhood Plan has been independently examined and is now finalised. 

The consultation and independent examination can be found on Dacorum Borough Council's website along with the Notice of the Referendum, which has been issued by Dacorum Borough Council. 

Hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan are also available to view in the Library and the Parish Office. 


Regulation 16 Statutory Consultation October - November 2023

The Parish Council submitted the Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan to Dacorum Borough Council in September.


On Friday, 29th September 2023 Dacorum Borough Council launched the Regulation 16 Consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan. The consultation is open until midnight on Sunday, 12th November. The consultation page can be found on Dacorum Borough Council's website where you will find the submission documents and instructions on how to respond. All responses must be sent to Dacorum Borough Council.


Hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan are available at the Parish Council Office and Bovingdon Community Library (opening hours are shown on Dacorum Borough Council's consultation page). 

January - February 2023 Regulation 14 Pre-submission Statutory Consultation

7th March 2023 - The Statutory Consultation has now closed and an update on the results will be published shortly.


Next Steps

The next steps for the Neighbourhood Plan are as follows:



  • The Steering Group will update the Neighbourhood Plan and submit it to Dacorum Borough Council
  • Dacorum Borough Council will carry out the Final Regulation 15 Consultation. Further changes may be made to address the consultation feedback
  • An Independent Examiner will review the plan and make their recommendations.
  • Dacorum Borough Council will carry out a local Referendum to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan. 



The Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan was launched in January 2019 and is being managed through a Steering Group reporting into the Parish Council. The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is made up of Bovingdon residents who want to play an active role in gathering evidence and information needed for producing a Neighbourhood Plan.


What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and support planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to plan for the types of development to meet their community’s needs and where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.


Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation

We chose to designate the whole of Bovingdon Parish, as the area to be covered by a Neighbourhood Plan, as we wanted all residents to feel included and everyone to have a say, in the future of Bovingdon.

We concentrated on the following areas:

  • Shaping Housing Growth
  • Community, Natural Environement and Heritage
  • Economy and Employment
  • Travel, Transport and Parking


Please use this link to view the map which shows the area covered by the Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes

If you would like to know more about the Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan or would like to get involved, please contact:

Bovingdon Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Phone: 01442 228660


Open Day - 22nd January 2023

We held an Open Day to explain the Draft Neighbourhood Plan out to Statutory Consultation and answer residents’ questions. It was successful with over 120 residents attending. We were able to signpost residents to the detail in the Neighbourhood Plan to answer questions. As part of the Statutory Consultation, we have distributed a summary to every household in Bovingdon Parish and encouraged all residents to complete the online and paper questionnaires with any amendments to the policies in the plan.


Open Day Event January 23 Open Day Event January 23


Open Day - 13th January 2019

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Open Day on Sunday. It was a very successful event with over 330 residents attending. We have had a lot of positive feedback and we hope everyone found it informative and useful. As part of our ongoing consultation process, we have distributed surveys to every household in Bovingdon Parish and urge all residents to complete them and have a say in the future of Bovingdon.


Open Day at the Memorial Hall 13th January 2019Open Day at the Memorial Hall 13th January 2019Open Day at the Memorial Hall 13th January 2019Open Day at the Memorial Hall 13th January 2019Open Day at the Memorial Hall 13th January 2019Open Day at the Memorial Hall 13th January 2019

Data Handling Statement

Please note: your details including comments will be shared with and used by the Neighbourhood Plan forum/Parish Council to support preparation of the plan and you will receive notifications directly from the Neighbourhood Plan forum/Parish Council during the drafting of the Neighbourhood Plan. Once submitted for Inspection by an examiner, notifications will be sent by Dacorum Borough Council.