
The present Bovingdon Parish Council was elected on 4 May 2023 and the Councillors are as follows:

Graham Barrett


01442 833400

I have lived in Bovingdon for nine years. I have two children and four grandchildren. I am Chair of the Planning Committee and I also serve on the Outdoors and Finance & General Purposes Committees. I have a particular interest in planning matters and improving the High Street.

Mike Foulds

07917 206816

I have lived locally since 2014, moving with my young family to Bovingdon in 2019 and we have particularly benefited from our green and open spaces through the challenges of 2020 and 2021. I will be serving on the Finance & General Purposes, Personnel and Memorial Hall Management Committees and am very keen to support day-to-day village life and engage as much of the community as possible in village issues and activities.

Nic Leon

07876 033907

Karen Bregazzi-Jones

07790 544782

I first moved to Bovingdon in 1987 and fell in love with it . There was and still is such a sense of community about the village. Although circumstances led me to move away for a time, I returned in 2018 excited to be back in the village I love. I have become a Councillor because I care about Bovingdon and want to give back by building on what makes our village special and by helping to make improvements where needed. I look forward to working with the Parish Council and the community to ensure that Bovingdon remains a great place for everyone who lives here. I will be serving on the Personnel and the Memorial Hall Management Committees.

Hugh Schneiders

01442 833070

Julie Steer

07803 141254

Send me an email

Representing on Outside Bodies: Bovingdon Community Library

I have been a Parish Councillor since May 2003 and have lived in the village over 25 years. I stood as a Councillor originally, as I believe rather than complain you should take action. I am the Chair of the Hall Management Committee and the Finance & General Purposes Committee. I am also on the Personnel Committee.

I deliver the Bovingdon News to the distributors and have produced it in the past.

I am also involved with other groups in the village volunteering - 


  • Bovingdon Community Library and I am the Chair of the Steering Group
  • Treasurer of the Ladybirds Womens Club
  • run and organise the Bovingdon Village Monthly Market
  • with Age UK at Dudley House weekly group
  • with the weekly coffee mornings at St Lawrence Church once a month
  • organise and run the bi-monthly coffee morning formally in the Baptist Church
  • I am the Neighbourhood Watch Asst. District Coordinator for Dacorum and Ward Coordinator for Bovingdon, Chipperfield and Flaunden (email 


 In the past I have also organised the 10k and 3k fun runs 

David Stent


07748 652047

I have lived in Bovingdon for 26 years, joining the Parish Council in 2016. Having now moved out of full time work, I am in a better position to give my time to help in supporting the village as a Parish Councillor. I am Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council and I am on the Finance, Personnel, Planning, Memorial Hall Management and Outdoors Committee's.

Philip Walker

07899 925779

Adrian Watney

07789 313019

Representing on Outside Bodies: Herts Representative on Chilterns Conservation Board

Pauline Wright

07876 563789

I joined the Parish Council in May 2015 and serve on the Planning and Memorial Hall Management Committees as well as being the Chair of the Outdoors Committee. I have lived in the village for 30 years and have been involved with various societies, the lunch club and have opened our garden for charity on numerous occasions