Dacorum Borough Council is the Charging Authority for CIL
and is responsible for setting CIL rates, collecting the charge and allocating
expenditure for CIL.
Bovingdon Parish Council, subject to this advice note, is a recipient of CIL funds under the CIL Regulations and is responsible for spending and reporting on CIL. The CIL Regulations (Regulation 59) require the Charging Authority (Dacorum Borough Council) to pass on a meaningful proportion of CIL to Town and Parish Councils in which the development takes place. According to the CIL Regulations (as amended), for areas where there is no neighbourhood plan in place this sum will equate to some 15% of CIL receipts from development within their administrative area up to a maximum of £100 per Council tax dwelling per annum. This rises to 25% where a neighbourhood plan is in place.
Financial Implications
Dacorum Borough Council will make two payments to Bovingdon Parish Council covering the following payments periods for CIL:
1) For payments made between the 1st April and 30th September, monies will be transferred on or before the 28th October
2) For payments made between the 1st October and 31st March, monies will be transferred on or before the 28th April.